Xbox 360
Big Head Mode
Take out cryptographic sequencer. Once out, hold both triggers, and rotate sticks in opposite directions, you’ll have a big head and your enemies.
Play in any costume, even before finishing the game.
Press the following combination on the Main Menu screen (after you have selected your save slot): – Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down. You will get an audio confirmation and when the game continue, you will get the option to select your favorite skin.
PlayStation 3
Code to Unlock Every Skin
Press the following combination on the Main Menu screen (after you have selected your save slot):
Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down.
Big Head Mode
Use the Cryptographic Sequencer, hold down all shoulder buttons (don’t let go), rotate the left stick counter-clockwise and the right stick clockwise. After a few seconds the mode will activate.